Extreme Outdoor Gear backpack| Doggles| Sierra Dog Supply

Item#: DGL-30 Extreme Outdoor Backpack Gear by Sierra Dog Supply
Sierra Dog Supply Extreme Outdoor Backpack Gear
This Dog Backpack is the perfect answer for hiking and other outdoor activities. The Dog Backpack is perfect for boosting your dog's daily walk or helping you carry treats, keys or water on your many adventures together.Owners of service dogs find that these backpacks can help with carrying medical supplies or other important items. Our standard style Dog Backpack offer plenty of durability for daily hikes or activities.
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Double check the dimensions (Size & Specs tab) before you order. Make sure your pet will fit in(on) the item you are purchasing or that it will fit in the space you are wanting to use it. Ordering the wrong size is costly and avoidable. Thank You!
Extreme Outdoor Gear backpack | DGL-30 | Doggles |Sierra Dog Supply
Item#: DGL-30 Extreme Outdoor Backpack Gear by Sierra Dog Supply
Sierra Dog Supply Extreme Outdoor Backpack Gear
This Dog Backpack is the perfect answer for hiking and other outdoor activities. The Dog Backpack is perfect for boosting your dog's daily walk or helping you carry treats, keys or water on your many adventures together.Owners of service dogs find that these backpacks can help with carrying medical supplies or other important items. Our standard style Dog Backpack offer plenty of durability for daily hikes or activities.
Closeout Pricing - Available Whiles Supplies Last!
Product Dimensions | |
Medium | 26-37 in. (breed examples: Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, Dalmatian) |
Large | 32-50 in. (breed examples: Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Boxer) |

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